Tuesday 9 August 2011

Talking To Spirit About A Visitation?

I refer to an earlier video taken back in the middle of December 2010.

Spirits will not appear on request, as I or anyone else can make them appear. Logistics are based on reasoning and there is no reason why a spirit should just keep appearing everytime it is asked!

There has to be a reason and motive for a spirit to do something. It has always been shown to me, that spirits will not go back on their reasoning and that if a matter is again questioned, there will be NO answer.

This is the way they work, because apart from being logical, they are also superior to us and do not allow themselves to appear for the sake of curiosity.

Their aim is a reasonable one and they work WITH me, as opposed to FOR me!
This I have always respected, and likewise feel respected.

Here is the earlier video taken in mid December 2010:-

Monday 25 July 2011

Come All Ye Dead People!

More Changing Faces

I underwent a seance by myself at the table.

The effects had not quite worn off, and during the first thirty seconds, I was still engulfed.

Julie remains vertually unaltered.

Friday 22 July 2011

More Spirit Manefestation Engulfing Me


Here is my recording which was placed on YouTube

Included are some of my ghost pictures including our ghost cat near the garage

Thursday 21 July 2011

Meeting A Spirit Guide

This is a video taken in late December 2010.
It was one of the coldest Winters on record in the United Kingdom, with temperatures dropping to -10 deg. C.

The first clip was taken on my mum's garage, whereby I asked a spirit if he would allow himself to be filmed?

He gives his name as 'Hons' or 'Hans' with accordance to the start of the video, where he is saying:- "This  is me!"

After placing this video on a forum, I was told that this was a Winter Moth!!!

So I said if this was the case, I would ask this 'Winter Moth', if he was willing to be filmed again the next day!

Just like the day before....the spirit floated to my hand this time.

Placing this video got me banned!

As nearly all forums are debunking stations....this was not suprising.

Unfortunately...people are not allowed to question or disagree, because that infiltrates the bias point of view...lol

Here we have the first video:-  

Now here we have the second video, taken the next day:-


A Death Scene In Our New House

Earlier in 2011, I set up my videio camera using Infra-Red.
The conversation that you are about to hear, is totally unexpected.
I have no recollection of hearing any of the voices, which may or may not contain my own voice.
Certainly, I did not consciously attribute to this conversation, as it it was a complete shock to me, hearing it for the first time

The interesting part that I like, is the bit whereby case latches can be heard. As if fastners are toggled and the case opens?

Using Semi Trance Technique

I do not confess to being in a trance state during this session, but I have been fortunate with the help of spirit friends and guides, to be able process this shoot!

It was taken on the 20th July 2011 at our new house near Newark England.
During the shoot, I could feel cold shivers as I realised that some form of spirit entry was evident.

Careful study of the video, allows me to hear a spirit using the words :- "Switch Please" three times.

The words begin to fade, as I start to move my arm, which may be my conscious mind reducing the 'force' required to produce spirit activity?
These pictures are NOT me

Included in the above video, is a consortium of physical changes in my features whilst the video camera was running.

These blobs of light, (above) appear plentiful throughout the full video and as they strike, I appear to change? This one is running in slow motion to illustrate my point!

I am being asked:- "Where did you put it?" (see above)

This is a clearer module from my spirit friends who keep saying:- "Switch please"

These two frames are MEANT to be me????
(I am sorry....but I do not have as much hair...lol)