Thursday 21 July 2011

Meeting A Spirit Guide

This is a video taken in late December 2010.
It was one of the coldest Winters on record in the United Kingdom, with temperatures dropping to -10 deg. C.

The first clip was taken on my mum's garage, whereby I asked a spirit if he would allow himself to be filmed?

He gives his name as 'Hons' or 'Hans' with accordance to the start of the video, where he is saying:- "This  is me!"

After placing this video on a forum, I was told that this was a Winter Moth!!!

So I said if this was the case, I would ask this 'Winter Moth', if he was willing to be filmed again the next day!

Just like the day before....the spirit floated to my hand this time.

Placing this video got me banned!

As nearly all forums are debunking stations....this was not suprising.

Unfortunately...people are not allowed to question or disagree, because that infiltrates the bias point of

Here we have the first video:-

Now here we have the second video, taken the next day:-

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