Thursday 21 July 2011

Using Semi Trance Technique

I do not confess to being in a trance state during this session, but I have been fortunate with the help of spirit friends and guides, to be able process this shoot!

It was taken on the 20th July 2011 at our new house near Newark England.
During the shoot, I could feel cold shivers as I realised that some form of spirit entry was evident.

Careful study of the video, allows me to hear a spirit using the words :- "Switch Please" three times.

The words begin to fade, as I start to move my arm, which may be my conscious mind reducing the 'force' required to produce spirit activity?
These pictures are NOT me

Included in the above video, is a consortium of physical changes in my features whilst the video camera was running.

These blobs of light, (above) appear plentiful throughout the full video and as they strike, I appear to change? This one is running in slow motion to illustrate my point!

I am being asked:- "Where did you put it?" (see above)

This is a clearer module from my spirit friends who keep saying:- "Switch please"

These two frames are MEANT to be me????
(I am sorry....but I do not have as much

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